Your Rights


Victims of crimes have rights. The BC Victims of Crime Act protects your right to be treated with dignity and respect and to obtain information about the criminal justice system and your case. Specifically, the Act gives you the right to receive the following information:


  • Victim services available to you.
  • The benefits provided under the Crime Victim Assistance Program.*
  • Information on how the criminal justice system works.
  • The status of the police investigation.
  • The charges laid against the accused.**
  • The status of the court case.
  • The outcome of the court appearances.
  • The administration of the offender’s sentence.
  • Your right to privacy under the Freedom of Informational and Privacy Act.
 *Victims who are injured from a violent crime can apply to the Crime Victim Assistance Program for benefits under the Crime Victim Assistance Act. For more information, please call toll free 1 866 660-3888.
 **Victims who want to be notified about changes in the status of the accused can register notification with the Victim Safety Unit. For more information, please call toll free 1 877 315-8822 or email